NBC Travel Privacy Statement

NBC Travel is committed to providing both clients and end-users with the utmost in privacy and security. We abide by all industry guidelines and consistently monitor our management and operating methods in order to maintain our valued reputation and integrity. This is our promise to our clients, and end-users.

Use of Collected Information
Information is collected by NBC Travel but is the sole property of the advertiser and is shared only with the advertiser. Each advertiser individually controls what is done with the information collected. We host ads and collect the information from consumers on behalf of our client. We only use this information to audit accuracy. We guarantee unique users to our clients, and the auditing procedure ensures that promise.

Cookies are only used to keep track of log-in names and passwords.  Information such as IP address internal session ID, user's domain, type of Internet browser, domain of Web site are collected and used only for traffic auditing and analyzing trends.

In order to ensure security and protection of collected information, all employees are aware of our security policy and practices. Web security is constantly reviewed. Access to the information is limited and only obtained through codenames and passwords. Any loss, misuse, or alteration of information is prohibited followed by appropriate action and termination of employee. This is to uphold our promise to our clients, affiliate members, and property users.

Notification Of Changes
In the event that there is a change in the privacy practices of Travel Site Index, this page will be updated.

Contact Information
NBC Travel, abides by the laws and guidelines of the Internet. We welcome any inquiries as to the use of collected information and cookies, product capabilities, or company methods and practices. If you have any questions, comments or corrections regarding personally identifiable information obtained through us, please e-mail to privacy@nbc-travel.com, or you can write:

NBC Travel
Attn: Steven Block

P.O. Box 140979
Dallas, TX 75214-0979


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